1 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD Beautify the Central Avenue Corridor TOTAL NYF FUNDS REQUESTED $944,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,268,000 % OF TOTAL PROJECT COST 74% 8’ ON-STREET PARKING 5’ BIKE LANE 10’ THRU LANE 10’ THRU LANE 3-5’ +/- EXPOSED AGGREGATE BUFFER C U R B E XISTING ROADWAY SECTION | PLEASANT TO PALMER ( FACING NORTH ) PLANTER BOX TREE PIT PALMER PLACE CENTRAL AVENUE NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK P L E PROJECT DESCRIPTION Located in the heart of Lancaster, the Central Avenue corridor is an essential link in the Village’s public infrastructure. The proposed Central Avenue Corridor Streetscape Revitalization project, spanning south from Erie Street, aspires to transform this vital passageway into an engaging, pedestrian-friendly gateway that reflects the Village’s historic charm and forward-thinking vision. 2 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD P leasant Ave W Scott St Winfield Ave Erie St N Aurora St Ida Pl Adolf Pl Saint Joseph St Saint Ma r ys St Church St W a lter St Saint John St Lake A v e Park Blvd Heather Ln Hollan d Ave Brookfield Pl Legion Pkwy W Main St Palmer Pl Clark St P l easan t Ave School St Aurora St Central Ave Broadway Central Ave Streetscaping North of Pleasant Avenue, the Central Avenue corridor currently features a two-lane roadway with ten-foot wide travel lanes and five-foot wide bike lanes on both sides, accompanied by an eight-foot- wide parking lane on the west side of the road. The corridor, however, has untapped potential that this project aims to unleash. Envisioned as an extensive beautification initiative, this section of the project involves a complete redesign of the corridor. The enhancements will include planting new trees, adding visually appealing tree pits, creating plant beds filled with chloride and drought-resistant plants, installing exposed aggregate concrete within the snow storage area, and setting up planters and streetlights that echo the aesthetic of the downtown central business district. The strategically placed trees and planters will form a natural buffer between pedestrians and the roadway, enhancing safety, while elevating the aesthetic appeal. Meanwhile, the additional street lighting will improve visibility, contributing to a safer and more welcoming environment after dark. PROJECT LOCATION / ADDRESS Central Avenue PROJECT SPONSOR Village of Lancaster PROPERTY OWNER Village of Lancaster 3 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD The revitalized streetscape aims to blend seamlessly with the existing downtown beautification elements, visually and physically expanding the business district northward. The project’s goal is to create a visually striking entry into the downtown area and an atmosphere that encourages residents and visitors to explore the public realm by foot or bike. South of Pleasant Avenue, the project involves replacing the existing brick with an aggregate that mirrors materials used in other parts of the Village. This decision is driven by safety considerations; the aggregate provides a more even surface, ensuring more accessible and safer walkways for pedestrians. Furthermore, this material is durable and requires less frequent repairs, ensuring long- term sustainability and reduced maintenance costs for the Village. CAPACITY The Village of Lancaster has demonstrated a strong capacity to execute complex, community- enhancing projects through its successful completion of multiple similar endeavors in the recent past. A track record of such successfully executed projects bodes well for any future ventures, showcasing the Village’s capability to manage grants, collaborate with State and Federal agencies, and deliver results that significantly benefit the community. These completed projects illustrate the Village’s capability to effectively manage grants, engage in public-private partnerships, and execute transformative urban development projects that align with the strategic goals of NY Forward. Thus, it is evident that the Village of Lancaster possesses a robust capacity to take on new initiatives of similar scope and successfully implement them. PROJECT PARTNERS None 4 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD REVITALIZATION STRATEGIES NYF STRATEGIES • Preserve and celebrate what makes Lancaster unique: The project aims to transform the Central Avenue corridor into an engaging, pedestrian-friendly gateway that reflects the village’s historic charm and forward-thinking vision, thus preserving and enhancing Lancaster’s unique character. • Foster a Thriving Local Business Environment that Encourages Entrepreneurship and Supports Business Growth: By visually and physically expanding the business district northward, the project aims to attract new businesses, stimulate economic growth, and create job opportunities. The revitalized streetscape is expected to foster a thriving local business environment. REDC STRATEGIES • Leverage the Region’s Strategic Advantages: The streetscape revitalization aims to transform the corridor into a gateway that showcases Lancaster’s historic charm, thereby boosting tourism, one of the region’s key industry sectors. • Promote Smart Growth: The project focuses on revitalizing existing infrastructure to create a pedestrian-friendly environment, consistent with principles of smart growth that advocate for reinvestment in urban centers. DECARBONIZATION This project does not meet the decarbonization criteria. RESILIENCY The project showcases a thoughtful approach to environmental sustainability and preparedness for extreme weather conditions by integrating features like drought-resistant plants and exposed aggregate concrete in snow storage areas. PROJECT SYNERGIES The Central Avenue Streetscape project will be the direct continuation of recent public investment along the southern end of Central Avenue, at the Pleasant Avenue / Central Avenue intersection, and along Pleasant Avenue. The subject section of Central Avenue includes three other projects proposed for NYF funding (the gateway overpass signage, the 110 Central Avenue project, and the 75-77 Central Avenue project), in addition to the stormwater management and landscaping project the Village submitted a GIGP funding request for in summer 2023. Enhancing the streetscape along this corridor will be critical to continuing the pedestrian- oriented feel of Central Avenue to these projects. 5 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD Activity Amount Funding Source Status of Funds Construction $850,000 NYF Requested $50,000 CHIPS Funds Secured $274,000 NYSDOT Requested Design $70,000 NYF Requested Construction Administration $24,000 NYF Requested Total NYF Funding Request $944,000 Total Funding from Other Sources $324,000 Total Project Cost $1,268,000 % Requested of Total Project Cost 74% BUDGET BUDGET NARRATIVE The project budget was initially developed by the Village engineer in 2023. The cost estimate was verified and updated by LaBella Associates, a planning, design, and engineering firm. The Village is reqesting $944,00 in NYF funding, which represents 74% of the total project budget. The NYF funding would be matched with $50,000 in secured CHIPS funding and $274,000 in NYSDOT funding that the Village will be requesting. PUBLIC SUPPORT Participants at Public Workshop #1 voiced their support for this project, noting that it would promote growth and extend downtown. The project also supports several of the priorities voiced by the over 1,800 public survey respondents, including opportunities to make the downtown safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. 6 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD PROJECT FEASIBILITY & IMPACT The Village has been working with their engineer for over year to develop plans for the Central Avenue streetscape project. The project would not require right-of-way acquisitions or easements. The anticipated economic benefits of this project are manifold. The revitalized corridor is expected to attract new businesses, stimulate economic growth, and create job opportunities, effectively transforming this segment of Central Avenue into a vibrant mix of shopping, entertainment, and service Anticipated Start Date: Fall 2024 Project Stage Timeframe Design, Engineering, and Bid Process • Solicit design and engineering services (Months 1-2) • Survey and engineering design & approval (Month 3) • Detailed design (Months 4-5) • Advanced design plans, specification and construction estimate (Months 6-7) • Final design plans, specification and construction estimate (Month 8) • Public bid (Month 9) • Award bid to selected contractor (Month 10) 10 Months Construction 3 Months Total Time Frame 13 Months Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2025 TIMELINE FOR IMPLEMENTATION The project is ready for engineering design and already has conceptual and rough draft preliminary engineering design plans. There are no known challenges nor environmental constraints. options. The project also promotes social interaction and community engagement by creating an inviting atmosphere through improved public spaces and a revitalized streetscape, fostering a stronger sense of place and belonging among residents. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS SEQR will need to be completed, including SHPO consultation. 7 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD 8’ ON-STREET PARKING 5’ BIKE LANE 10’ THRU LANE 10’ THRU LANE 3-5’ +/- EXPOSED AGGREGATE BUFFER C U R B E XI ST I N G CO N D I T I O N S PR O P O S E D CO N D I T I O N S 8 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD 8’ ON-STREET PARKING 5’ BIKE LANE 10’ THRU LANE 10’ THRU LANE TATED C U R B E XI ST I N G CO N D I T I O N S PR O P O S E D CO N D I T I O N S 9 | PROJECT PROFILES: LANCASTER NY FORWARD EXISTING LAWN/PROPERTY 5’ CONCRETE SIDEWALK 8’ ON-STREET PARKING 5’ BIKE LANE 10’ THRU LANE 10’ THRU LANE 5’ BIKE LANE 3-5’ +/- EXPOSED AGGREGATE BUFFER A C U R B C U R B E XISTING ROADWAY SECTION | PLEASANT TO PALMER ( FACING NORTH ) PLANTER BOX LIGHT POLE W/ BANNERS, FLAG POLE & HANGING BASKET TREE PIT EXISTING ROADWAY SECTION TO REMAIN PALMER PLACE CENTRAL AVENUE NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK P L E A S A N T A V E R O U N D A B O U T PLANTER BOX FLOWERING STREET TREES STREET LIGHTS WITH BANNERS, FLAG POLES, AND HANGING BASKET EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRETE SURFACE CENTRAL AVENUE CENTRAL AVENUE PALMER PLACE EXISTING ROADWAY SECTION TO REMAIN VEGETATED SNOW STORAGE LIGHT POLE W/ BANNERS, FLAG POLE & HANGING BASKET NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK ERIE STREET RAILROAD CROSSING BRIDGE STREET LIGHTS WITH BANNERS, FLAG POLES, AND HANGING BASKET VEGETATED SNOW STORAGE EXISTING LAWN 8’ ON-STREET PARKING 5’ BIKE LANE 10’ THRU LANE 10’ THRU LANE 5’ BIKE LANE C U R B NEW 3 ’ +/- VEGETATED SNOW STORAGE NEW 3’ +/- VEGETATED SNOW STORAGE NEW 5’ CONCRETE SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALK C U R B E XISTING ROADWAY SECTION | PALMER TO ERIE ( FACING NORTH ) PR O P O S E D CO N D I T I O N S